Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): Regular Issue

This issue has been available online since June 25th 2022. All articles in this issue (6 original research articles and 1 review article) were authored/co-authored by 28 authors from 6 countries (Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, India, and Japan).
Research Articles
Development and Implementation of Innovative Technologies That Ensure an Increase in The Extraction of Non-ferrous, Noble, Rare, Rare-Earth Metals
The Wind Turbine Design and Test
The Risk Identification On 3" GL BO3-52520 Process Pipelines Using a Risk-Based Inspection Method
Development of Technology for Processing Pyrite Cinder to Produce Non-Ferrous Metal Concentrate
Characteristics of Calorific Value of Briquettes Made From Cymbopogon Citratus Waste As an Alternative Fuel
Development of Passive Battery Management System at TRL 4
Cellulose Nanofiber Platform for Electrochemical Sensor Device: Impedance Measurement Characterization and Its Application for Ethanol Gas Sensor