Lean six sigma methodology for waste reduction in ship production
Ship production, Wastes, Lean Six Sigma, DMAIC, Sigma level, RPNAbstract
This study was conducted to reduce the amount of waste in ship production and assembly processes at PT ES. Several wastes during the ship production process result in the actual ship completion time being longer than the planning time set by the process planner. Therefore, accurate analysis is required to reduce waste. In this way, contributing factors can be identified, and more effective solutions can be obtained to reduce waste. This is done by implementing the Lean Six Sigma method (DMAIC processes) and several tools and methods, such as Pareto and fishbone diagrams and the FMEA method. The results show that the most critical potential root cause affecting production delays comes from the potential causes with the highest Risk Priority Number (RPN) value. The causes are welders who do not understand the WPS (RPN 432), unstable welding transformers (RPN 432), and unproductive loader movements (RPN 384). The recapitulation of welding defects produced in the production process at a sigma level of 2.48. Recommendations for the three potential critical wastes were made and planned for implementation. The estimated average RPN impairment for the three critical root causes was 32.3%. This condition will impact the total ship production time, which is 6% shorter (equivalent to 14 days) than the previous production time with a new sigma level of 2.55.
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