Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): Regular Issue

This issue has been available online since December 15th 2022. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 31 authors from 8 countries (Indonesia, Taiwan, India, Vietnam, Pakistan, Malaysia, Sudan and China).
Research Articles
Material selection for raw gas pipeline at SBR#2 gas field
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times, downloaded 0 times
Quality function deployment analysis of smartphones
This article has been read 1098
times, downloaded 0 times
Numerical analysis of flow characteristics of the oil-water mixture in stratified-annular horizontal pipe
This article has been read 688
times, downloaded 0 times
Cellulose derivative as protection coating: Effect of nanoparticle additives on load capacity
This article has been read 362
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Effect of sonication to the stability properties of carboxymethyl cellulose/uncaria gambir extract water-based lubricant
This article has been read 351
times, downloaded 0 times
Integrating PV plant 689 kWp into Coal-Fired Power Plant (CFPP) 615 MW at Paiton: To reduce auxiliary load and coal consumption
This article has been read 245
times, downloaded 0 times
A Framework of image processing and machine learning utilization for flood disaster management
This article has been read 277
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