Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): Regular Issue

This issue has been published. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 28 authors from 8 countries (Indonesia, Taiwan, India, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh, Japan, Libya and Qatar).
Research Articles
Enhancing heat transfer performance of automotive car radiator using camphor nanoparticles: experimental study with bibliometric analysis
Experimental investigation of effect of extent and position of bypass openings on performance of a single unit liquid desiccant based indirect evaporative cooler
Enhancing laminate composites: Investigating the impact of kevlar layering and titanium carbide nanoparticles
The investigation of physical dan mechanical properties of Nipah-based particle board
Numerical study on heat and flow transfer of biomagnetic fluid with copper nanoparticles over a linear extended sheet under the influence of magnetic dipole and thermal radiation
The effectiveness of the multi-soil-layering system in reducing pollutant parameters of crumb rubber industrial wastewater
Comparison of variation in the building shapes and the window-to-wall ratio by concerning energy consumption for thermal comfort and lighting